Paralegal Rainmakers
Platinum Plan
Subscription Plan
Are You in Compliance with Business and Professions Code 6450?
Access the tools and resources to excel in your career today!
How to access your resources and benefits
Getting Started Video
Bankruptcy Intake
Bankruptcy and the Automatic Stay
Client Communication Techniques for Legal Professionals
Cloud Computing for Legal Professionals
Contracts and Billing Records
Depositions and Trial Preparation
Document Classification and Management
Drafting Persuasive Case Briefs
Essentials of Legal Technology
Essentials of Legal Timekeeping
Estate Planning and Living Trusts
Estate Planning and Wills
Fundamentals of Legal Billing
General Paralegal Ethics
Introduction to eDiscovery and Digital Evidence
Motion Practice
Music Law
Obtaining and Organizing Documentary Evidence
Paralegal Ethics and Client Communication
Researching Administrative Laws
Six Sigma's Application in a Legal Organization
Six Sigma and Effective Case Management
Six Sigma and Legal Process Improvement
Sports Crimes
Sports Law
Contract Law Crash Course
eDiscovery Crash Course
Law Office Management Crash Course
Legal Communication Crash Course
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Crash Course
Administrative Law for Paralegals
Civil Litigation for Paralegals
Personal Injury Law for Paralegals
Real Estate Law for Paralegals
Tort Law for Paralegals
Litigation Master Class: Back to the Future of Discovery
eDiscovery Master Class: Artificial Intelligence 101
Legal Research Guide
Paralegal's Guide to Meeting Billabable Hour Quotas
Six Sigma Guide for Paralegal's
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